Category Marriage

Can a Broken Marriage Be Healed?

When it comes to broken relationships, it’s important to remember that there are two battles taking place. Not only are we fighting the battle of human brokenness from within our marriage, but there is an enemy from without- working his hardest to tear down this safe place that God has built up.

Forgiving the Unforgivable

You want to listen in to this month's conversation all about healing your marriage when trust is broken. Whether you're single or married, this God story is a worthwhile listen to be reminded of God's redemption, the power of forgiveness and how to build back trust after betrayal. You can't help but be filled with hope after hearing about their healing journey.

Protecting and Fighting for Connection

Relationships start with excitement, with joy and with anticipation. We feel the opportunity for love, for covering, and for connection. But often after excitement comes an opportunity for disappointment, and it's here in this place that if we can lean in and not run away or become accusatory we can truly grow.

Who Are You Building Your House With

The season of dating is one of the most important seasons of life as it consists of building identity, purpose and a possible desire for marriage. One of the most important decisions outside of Jesus is who you're going to marry, but some people are trying to arrive at the phase of marriage without building the stages of singleness. Join us as we hear Damien Giacchino bring us incredible wisdom on the 5 stages of building towards a Godly marriage.

3 Tips to Cultivate Connection in Your Family

With Instagram, Tik-Tok, Youtube, and everything else in between taking up our family time- it can be hard to pause and bond in real time. But the truth is, there’s no app that can replace real face to face conversations. That’s why we wanted to help you with 3 tips to cultivate connection with your family!

Better Connection, Better Sex

Dr. Glenn and Phyllis join us today to talk about finding sexual and relational connection. The organization Connection Codes will equip you with everything you need to put an end to disconnection in your marriage and parenting. If you long for more in your relationships, this is for you.

Parenting Sexuality: Connection is Key

Biological parents, step parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, coaches, mentors... we all have the same challenge: Our teens need our leadership and guidance through their most volatile season of life, but we'll only be influential in their lives to the degree that they feel safe around us, heard by us, and unconditionally loved by us.

The Most Common Way Fake Love Disguises Itself & How to Stop It

I’d propose that numerous people have been seduced by things that masquerade as love but are just cheap imitations of the real thing. In fact, I have a growing concern that many within the Church associate God’s love with a version that looks noble on the outside but leads people into deep vortexes of emptiness and bondage.

5 Ways to Fight for Friendship No Matter the Season

Our friends are blessings (and sometimes seasons) as we mature throughout life. The people that God puts in our lives are meant to bring us closer to Christ by offering compassion, fellowship, humble correction, and forgiveness. If we want to truly maintain and strengthen our friendships, we need to have an open heart and mind on how to love them better as life goes on.

Premarital Counseling: The 4 R’s to Remember

Choosing counseling takes humility as it exercises the belief that there is always room for growth and improvement. It’s showing yourself and your significant other that you’re willing to grow as an individual while also growing together- this kind of mindset helps build a steadier foundation of trust for your future marriage. The number of sessions you choose to invest in prior to the wedding date are up to you and your counselor, but we recommend anywhere from 5-10 and definitely incorporate counseling into your normal married life routine!

The Other Side of Loving Like Jesus

When most of us hear or use the words “just love them like Jesus” what we mean is the unconditional love and acceptance of the person irrespective of their behavior…

Don’t Live to Get Married. Live to Live.

Here’s the thing: Jesus doesn’t say that “life abundantly” starts when we get married….he says it starts when we enter relationship with Him. For the believer in Christ, life abundantly is happening right here, right now, in this very moment – no matter what your relationship status.