Category Pornography

Raised on Porn: Connecting the Dots

There's value in having conversations about tough topics like human trafficking and pornography. Awareness and education is a critical and essential part in beginning the journey of making a difference. So join us in this conversation with Cole Zick, director of Moral Revolution, and Benji Nolot, CEO and founder of Exodus Cry, as they peel back some of the layers of the injustice of human trafficking.

Porn Addiction and Kids: Who Is Most Vulnerable

Dr. Gola is meeting with Kristen Jenson to tell us more about addiction and the brain science behind it–especially when it comes to pornography. One of the features which is common across different addictions, both related to substances and to behaviors–like gambling, gaming or in this case we are talking about problematic pornography use–is there’s a huge disproportion between the effort you need to put in to receive the reward. The reward is much higher than the effort you are putting in.

Porn Has Become Sex Ed for Children

Turning to porn as a source of sex education is increasingly encouraged by mainstream culture. With porn consumption on the rise, especially among young kids and teens, it’s important to remember that there are some pretty huge differences between what is portrayed in porn and real-life sex.

The After Effects of Children & Pornography

"Parents vastly underestimate the negative experiences their children are having online...pornography takes advantage of a child's natural imitative behavior." Kristen Jenson, founder of Defend Young Minds, dives into the conversation of what parents should do if they find their child has accessed porn and are acting out on other children. She firmly believes that parents should understand what's happening so that they can be mentors and support to their children.

What They Don’t Tell You About Getting Free From Porn

I can talk to you all day long about the mental and emotional effects of pornography, or pray for your deliverance from the spirit of porn, but if you aren't walking by the spirit as it says in Galatians 6, you will only gratify the desires of your flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are always in conflict with each other. So with that said, here are four important steps to walking in full freedom!

Reclaiming Purity

Purity in God’s eyes is not something you lose, it’s a daily choice to walk in obedience according to His plan and purposes for your life. With that said if you are single, soon to be married, you’ve been married for a while or even if you’ve lived most of your life in rebellion against God- purity is something attainable to you.

From Porn Star to Purity Preacher

Get behind the scenes with Brittni De La Mora who went from being a world famous porn star to now preaching the power of purity to thousands of followers. Brittni has an incredible testimony of how she left the porn industry, got married to a youth pastor and started a ministry together with her husband. She shares the importance of finding Jesus and our identity in Him, having boundaries and being transparent in order to live a pure life not just externally but internally as well.

Boundaries and Dating with Purpose

We often talk about boundaries in dating. But we leave out why we don’t like boundaries (AT ALL!) and the purpose behind them... This is a conversation about why there’s so much skepticism surrounding boundaries in dating and how those same boundaries fuel the Kingdom calling that is on your relationship. Because yes. There is a Kingdom calling on your relationship and Jesus is waiting on you to see it, especially now, as you date.

Accountability for Sin is Not Condemnation, It’s a Pathway to Freedom

Part of the challenge is that sometimes people confess but they never repent! They get addicted to the feeling that happens when we bring our sins into light and the weight of shame falls off of us. The truth is that many times the addiction to confession doesn’t result in true repentance or a turnaround in behavior. Confession is important but if you think it’s the only step to wholeness, you’re missing out on full restoration!


Kids are curious about sex. Spoiler alert: this is normal and healthy. What’s not healthy: going to porn for all the answers. In an ideal situation, a child would feel free to tell their parents about what they heard on the playground or found on the computer by accident. Often, they can be too scared to say anything, and the issue won’t be brought up. We think it’s important for parents to talk to their kids about what porn is before they see it for the first time and keep the conversation open, shame-free, honest, and loving.

Why Kids Look At Pornography (It’s Not Their Fault)

Talk about pornography early. Talk about pornography often. Make sure your kids have permission to always talk to you about digital “stuff.” And that includes giving your kids permission to talk openly about pornography.

What Porn Fails to Teach About Real Sex and Relationships

If you’re watching porn thinking it will teach you something about sex, you’re training for the wrong game. Porn will give you an education, but it only teaches toxic, exaggerated, and fantasized lessons that harm individuals and relationships.