Parenting Sexuality

The Sexual Revolution that emerged as a counterculture movement in the 60s has become the mainstream mindset of the new millennium. What was once whispered in the dark corners of topless bars is taught in mandated public school curricula all…

Should Girls Ask Guys on Dates?

Ladies, I’ve been there. You sit next to a cute guy and start up a conversation. You notice he has perfect teeth and he’s funny. This is going well. You start talking about what you did over the weekend and…

Boundaries in Relationship

Maybe it's just the rebel in me, but when people talk about boundaries in relationships, my natural inclination is to cringe. "Don't put me in a box. I'm my own boss." But when we understand that boundaries are put in place to protect us, that it's God's way to protect our heart, soul, and body, it's a game-changer. Once you've gotten to the point that you know you're attracted to someone, and you've started dating, then it's time to think about setting some boundaries.

Redefining Purity

“I believe you carry purity,” a fellow student said to me at church a couple years ago. I nodded my head and smiled politely. It wasn’t the first time I had heard that. People often said things like that when…

Star Wars, Four Boys, and the Battle for Purity

Having four boys has taught me a lot about the world of Star Wars. When I wake up in the morning, I am often met with light sabers and Storm Troopers and Darth Vader… So when the latest movie came out,…

Creating Healthy Expectations

In this blogpost we’re going to talk about another aspect of dating: EXPECTATIONS. Ladies in the house, you know we all have expectation. A cute brother walks in to church, and you do a metal check. Yeah, you know what…

Am I Attracted?

In this blogpost, we’re going to talk about an issue I’m passionate about. We’re going to talk about… DATING (eeeek!) I know, it can be weird, it can be a touchy subject, and Christians have all kinds of ideas and…

For Her Eyes Only

THE PROBLEM Our society seems to dictate that men pursue women and not the other way around. This can create a pretty powerless culture for the girls. Furthermore, if the girl wants to be a virtuous woman, then she must…

9 Principles for Healthy Confrontation

When Jesus walked the earth, He had a few advantages over us. Minor things like He never sinned, for instance, so He never had to worry about hypocritically pointing out faults in others while neglecting His own. He was also…

The Mystery of Marriage

Marriage means to merge – the two become one flesh. It’s a mystery that begins with a blood covenant. It’s the reason why God gave women a hymen, so the covenant could be ratified before the children were conceived. Some…