What is Abortion?
Here's what you need to know. If you need help, visit liveaction.org for more info.
Here's what you need to know. If you need help, visit liveaction.org for more info.
TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH IS REQUIRED Have you ever wondered why Moses had to be raised in the palace? Why could he not be raised with his own family? I asked God this question one day and His…
A positive pregnancy test? My heart sank. How could this be? I was only seventeen. I just wanted it to disappear. Fear flooded my entire being. They promised I would be okay. They assured me they could “help.” They promised…
QUESTION I’ve heard that having an abortion is actually safer than having a baby. Is this true? DOCTOR’S ANSWER No, though we’ve heard the sales pitch about it being otherwise, haven’t we? A long term study from Finland published in…
MORE THAN JUST YOUR BODY As a woman, there are just some days when I bury my head under the sand and cringe at what my fellow gender is doing and saying. In particular, the pendulum swing seen among most…
THE HEART OF THE MATTER I never thought I’d be able to say this, but, here it is: I understand why women have abortions. Now, I’m not trying to get up on a soap box, to say I know it…
THE FEARLESS FATHER There was a time that I had little value for life, especially the life of a baby or a child. I thought abortion was no big deal and I didn’t care if I ever became a father.…
ABORTION We are living in a generation that is fundamentally at war over the family, and even more basically, over the value of human life. Statistics show that 40% of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion and by age 45, 30%…