Category Pornography

The Role of Trauma in Sexual Addiction

Trauma is something that most of us have experienced in one way or another, whether it was through abuse, abandonment, or a circumstance that we had no control over. As children, when we do not have access to resources that help us navigate through the pain of these experiences, we will often develop coping mechanisms that can be unhealthy in the long term.

10 Things to Avoid Saying to Someone Struggling with Porn

If you don’t think porn is a healthy habit (and research would back you up, there), you may have to have some hard conversations about this potentially awkward topic. And not only that, but it can be difficult to know what to say when you’re talking to someone about something as personal as recovery from a porn habit—especially when you care about that person and are being hurt by their porn consumption. You want to be able to encourage them into getting better rather than shame them back into their hidden habits.

5 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Porn

92.5 million. That’s how many times just one porn site was visited each day last year in 2018. EACH DAY! It’s devastating and straight-up frightening. Pornography and explicit imagery have become a custom of modern culture and, tragically, our kids are being targeted. What is now being called a public health crisis, the porn industry is fighting for the minds and hearts of the next generation.

Boys, Girls, Adults, and Porn

We can often feel the most intimidated by things we don’t understand. The fear of the unknown can lead us down paths of thinking that cause us to over-emphasize the worst-case scenarios while losing hope that good is possible. Pornography and sexual addiction, in general, actually falls into this category for most. It is hard to understand something that is so damaging and yet those who find themselves in the cycle of it see no way out.

Emotional Porn

I know as Christians, we tend to put sexual lust at the top of the list of sins.  In my community growing up, movies and TV shows with any sign of a sex scene were put on the black list. But what if our emotional response is just as much a part of our sexual integrity as our physical response? What if we’ve focused so much on sexual lust, that we’ve failed to acknowledge the role of emotional lust?

Three Steps to Teach Your Sex Drive to See

“You are not a victim to what you see. You are powerful and capable of teaching your sex drive how to see. In today’s culture, it could be easy to be desensitized by perverse images and people being turned into objects of pleasure rather than people of value to be honored. You have the power to teach yourself how to see people as children of God. Here’s a few steps for a good start…”

How Pornhub Goes After Your Children

Wait a second, Pornhub is marketing to children? What came as a huge surprise to the Twitter world this past December, was just par for the course for Pornhub, an organization that has demonstrated over the last ten years that…

7 Things Every Spouse Of A Sex Addict Should Know

Sexual addiction is very complex. There are several underlying issues that contribute to this problem. There are also unique issues that a spouse faces when sexual addiction is suspected and/or revealed. As a spouse of a sex addict, it is imperative that you understand your role in the recovery process. Here are 7 helpful things every spouse should know about sex addiction.

The Truth About How Secret Sin Can Impact A Whole Family

Pornography is a serial killer! It violates your soul, destroys your relationships, and derails your future. Many people who are stuck in porn (and other secret sin) don’t realize the painful effect that it has on their family and children. In 1 Corinthians 7:14, the Bible says that one believing parent sanctifies the home. This truth can work the other way around and a parent can open the door to demonic activity for their whole family.

Proactive Parenting: Stopping Porn Before It Starts

Unfortunately, the question is not “what do I do IF my child finds pornography?” but “what do I do WHEN my child finds pornography?” How do we help them stay connected and stay or get free in a world of sexually charged images? With special guests Graeme Morris of BraveTestimony and Marriage & Family Therapist Doug Boyd, the team talks about the dangerous effects of pornography and what steps to take when your son or daughter discovers pornography.