If God Can Do That: A Once Gay Man’s Journey
If God Can Do THAT: A Once Gay Man's Journey: ft/ Ken Williams by Moral Revolution.
If God Can Do THAT: A Once Gay Man's Journey: ft/ Ken Williams by Moral Revolution.
What you believe about yourself changes everything. How can something as small as a thought change your entire life? It can, because it's the way we were designed..
We and all of our friends who have once identified as LGBTQ or experienced any kind of confusion in our sexuality regard films like Boy Erased, with pain and frustration, knowing its scenario is not God’s heart for people. We know his pain first hand. Rejection and misunderstanding while walking out your faith are painful, especially when you question your sexuality. Fearing this, many in church stay hidden.
I experienced every kind of abuse growing up, including sexual abuse. I started experiencing same-sex attraction and grew up being called gay, ridiculed by people close to me because of it. I was actually attracted to girls as well, but no one affirmed that in me. I decided to identify myself as a gay male when I was 17.
When I was fifteen, I was blindsided by sexual assault, and for the rest of high school, I struggled with depression, cutting, weight gain, self-hate, pornography and masturbation, fear of men, and PTSD. I was terrified of revisiting the incident so I suppressed it and went on medication to cope with my health and psychological issues.
Like a lot of women, I’ve seen the advertisements and the pictures in magazines of women with flawless skin and perfect bodies. I’ve read the articles and heard the sales pitches about the perfect hairstyle, lipstick, or piece of clothing I need to make me beautiful. I’ve struggled against the draw to compare myself to the girl next to me. I’ve heard my heart ask a lot of questions, all pointing to the main question: “Am I Enough?”
“Andrea, how much do you weigh? ‘Cause you were by far the heaviest person to pull back into the raft.” His words carried across the bus and hit me square in the face. I was on my senior trip in…
Who we love, how we love, whether or not we can love and leave, and the penalty for certain expressions of love are being questioned. Secular culture is confronting the Church’s inability to articulate the greatest commandment.
Throughout most of my life, I never belonged. I always felt excluded, and I questioned my sexuality and my gender. I hated the idea of being feminine because it was so foreign. I didn’t feel like a girl, but I…
Cole & Cait Zick share their story of dating and marriage. Caitlin shares how the pain of her past impacted their marriage and how God brought healing. They share vulnerably and openly about their process in a way that brings light to God's design for sex as well as highlights the importance to guard your heart in the process. Please forgive the sound quality because it is low but hopefully you will find the content powerful.
You know that feeling that comes when you’re about to have people over and you realize the house is a disaster? I’m convinced my family gets more accomplished in a thirty-minute power clean (insert: freak out because they’re on their…
Nobody wants to admit they’re a self-sabotager. I think many people fall victim to the self-sabotage mindset and may not even know it. Maybe you’re one of them? Think about it: has someone ever loved you “too much”? Do you…