Category Identity

The Hidden Truth Behind Manhood: Finding Freedom From Our Hiddenness

I have discovered that universally, as humans, our greatest desire is to feel seen and heard, or ultimately, “known”. When a part of us is lost in hiddenness, then we can never be fully known, and without being known, we can’t feel fully loved. It’s when we bravely step out of the darkness where we’ve been trapped by self-judgment that we pave a way for love to get in and defeat the lies that keep us feeling separated from God, life, family and friends.

7 Signs of an Unhealthy Soul Tie

Sex is a tridimensional experience: spirit, soul, and body. Anytime you have sex with a person you bond with them. Two people may decide to have sex ‘just for the fun of it,’ yet something is occurring on another level that they might not have decided on at all: sex is enhancing an emotional bond between them whether they want it or not. This is what we call soul ties.

Stop Caring About What People Think About You

I met a young woman who was in search of significance.

Everyday she would live her life longing for acceptance from the people around her.  If she got it, she was determined to keep it, and would wake up the next morning and try to emulate everything she did the day before in hopes that she would get it once again.

4 Steps to Overcoming Powerlessness (Part 1)

Today, we will look at the first two steps to becoming powerful people and putting God back in control.

We were never created to be a powerless people, subject to the happiness or depression of the environment around us. Rather, our source of wholeness is derived from the author Himself.

God is the only one who can offer us love and security regardless of our circumstances. Placing God on the throne of our lives is not rocket science, but it does require diligence and taking the right steps.

An Open Letter to The Depressed Christian

As a licensed counselor, it breaks my heart to hear the myths and lies that Christians believe about depression and mental illness in general, and the shame that can be felt surrounding this topic. I’m so sorry if you’ve experienced it. Sadly (and especially if you run in Christian circles) there’s a good chance you have.

LGBT & Identity

What does new creation identity really mean? How can this concept influence your sexuality? It does it in every way possible. From struggling with sexual addictions to same-sex attraction, Ken Williams shares how Romans 5, 6, 7, and 8 radically transformed his life and provides keys for others. Ken unpacks how this key is pivotal for those leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle behind. We all need this truth, make sure you check out this month's latest podcast.

A Response to Gay Theology

LGBT-identifying people today are caught in a perfect storm. Though homosexual behavior is ancient, it has never before been normalized. Why now? I wish to propose that it has everything to do with the tech revolution.

The Joy of Conviction

God’s goal isn’t to judge everyone, it’s to restore them to their fullness of original design. He didn’t just want you in His kingdom, He wants you reigning, unhindered, and living full. He is championing you.

When Everyone Is Smiling – But You

All around us there are hundreds and thousands of people who are all feeling the sting of pain, the hurt of isolation, and the fear of what’s to come. At any given moment, there could be someone on the same street, in the same church, and even in the same family who is battling their own war, unbeknownst to you.

Don’t Miss Your Season

I don’t know what doors you are waiting on God to open in your life, but I want to encourage you—press into what God has you doing right now and watch Him go to work on your behalf. God desires to do a new thing in your life, but that new thing will require old faithfulness.

What to Do When He’s Just Not That Into You

If someone doesn’t like you, it’s okay. It’s not who you are, it’s just one guy. It doesn’t mean that no one will ever like you, or that you're unlovable, or not enough. Those are all lies from the enemy. Even if you’ve lost a few games or a few guys, that doesn’t mean you’re unlovable either. It just means you haven’t found the right one yet.