IUD’s for Birth Control

QUESTION I am getting married and started reading about birth control. I am thinking about using the IUD. Do you have any thoughts on that? DOCTOR’S ANSWER With the older generation of IUDs, I would have considered this among the…

Same Sex Practice

QUESTION Why are same-sex sexual practices not good for you?   DOCTOR’S ANSWER I frequently receive questions about same sex practice.  Sexual intercourse was designed to be between man and woman. Theologically speaking, God is quite clear in scripture both…

The Reality of Slavery

 AN ALL TOO COMMON TALE When I started working at the call center that year, I didn’t really know how this meaningless job would impact me so greatly. Yes, it was the worst, soul-sucking job of my life, but for…

Women’s Rights or Human Rights?

MORE THAN JUST YOUR BODY As a woman, there are just some days when I bury my head under the sand and cringe at what my fellow gender is doing and saying. In particular, the pendulum swing seen among most…

Finding Freedom in Community

I Am Not Alone  I’m in the men’s purity group in the church. I didn’t start going because I was struggling with a pornography issue that I couldn’t control, I went because the way that I had chosen to “control”…

Pornography and Addiction

THE REALITY: AN ABUNDANT LIFE Mike Bickle says in his book, ‘The Seven Longings of the Human Heart’, Addiction wraps itself around a person, giving their natural appetites an artificial life of their own, while simultaneously short-circuiting their ability to…

Real Sex, Real Life

SEX: A DIVINE ENCOUNTER Before meeting my husband, I had bought into the media’s version of sex. I believed that it was just an act that I would have to perform to keep my husband satisfied so that he wouldn’t…

Redemptive Love in Redding

FINDING FREEDOM FROM PAIN  I was born to a single teen mom. My dad left three months into the pregnancy leaving my mom was devastated. She cried all the time and as a result, I felt abandoned by my father and…

Decisions For Tomorrow

QUICK FIX Single. Hurting. And independent. A great combination for masturbation. Or any sexual activity for that matter. Fortunately, my oath to singleness kept me from further sexual activity, but it’s all the same. A band aid applied to the…

Giving God Control

TRADING SHAME FOR JOY From an early age, sex became an interesting and a secret desire. It wasn’t until I was in middle school that it became a daily struggle in my life. I began masturbating every night and it…