Wanted ≠ Worthy
Girl, being wanted does not equal being worthy. Freshman year of high school, my friends and I had this silver spiral notebook. As you turned the pages, you’d see our names at the top. We each had our own page.…
Girl, being wanted does not equal being worthy. Freshman year of high school, my friends and I had this silver spiral notebook. As you turned the pages, you’d see our names at the top. We each had our own page.…
“He’s just not that into you.” “She said she just sees us as friends.” “We’re going in different directions in life.” “He wasn’t interested.” “She didn’t see a future with us.” “He wanted kids, and I didn’t.” “She’s interested in…
When was the last time you experienced true affection at church? For many Christians a handshake as you’re leaving Sunday service has become the norm. We don’t expect anything more from each other because we’ve been taught that we shouldn’t…
I spent plenty of time in the presence of God. I read my Bible for years, and I prayed for God to miraculously take same-sex attraction (SSA) away, but nothing happened. I’m not saying those things don’t work because I…
The fact that people don’t know how to do family well is one of the biggest causes of dysfunction in society today. I believe that the restoration of family and marriages could truly change the world. The foundation of a…
Are you the emotional type? Or are you more of a thinker? Whether you process life through your emotions or your thoughts, it’s important that you not only understand, but also learn how to manage the way you feel. We…
I don’t ALWAYS plan things out, and I’m not always the fastest on my feet when it comes to being honest…and not awkward. So I’ve been at the end of a coffee date and suddenly realized, “I have no idea…
WHAT IS BEAUTY? How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? For both women and men, we shower, fix our hair, brush our teeth, and do the best we can to look beautiful on the outside,…
I grew up in rural West Virginia. If you’ve ever been to West Virginia, you know “rural West Virginia” is redundant because most of WV is rural. It’s also culturally the South. When you found someone you were interested in,…
A Once-Gay Person’s Thoughts on Gay Pride I passionately disagree that homosexuality is normal sexual behavior, but I honor everyone’s right to have a different opinion. I don’t hate anyone and I have spent my life loving people I completely…