Is Secretly Watching Porn Cheating on Your Partner

For many partners, finding out their significant other has secretly watched porn can feel just they discovered they’ve been cheated on. For some other partners, they may feel upset but not betrayed. And still, for others, they may not be bothered at all by their partner’s porn habit.

Attachment Styles

Dr. Margaret Nagib, Christian Clinical Psychologist, joins Caitlin Zick and Sloane Wilson as they dive into attachment styles. Attachment styles the base of how you relate to people from childhood. They create patterns of how you think, feel, and respond to people in relationship based on what you learned when you were younger. Dr. Margaret talks about the different types of attachment styles, and how you can identify which you relate to the most and why.

How to Surround Yourself with Life-Giving People

If you’re struggling to build success in your life, find yourself surrounded by small-minded people, or feel like the community you’ve cultivated fails to bring about the best in you, I want to challenge your perspective on friendships today! In fact, I believe this key is so powerful that it can unlock, activate and propel you into greater kingdom impact in every area of your life!

A Letter to Conservative Christian Churches in America

Churches are becoming afraid to offer us support since any approach suggesting emotional healing or restoration in one’s sexuality could be called “conversion therapy,” or worse, anti-LGBTQ hate. We Christians who have experienced LGBTQ, whether openly gay or closeted in our churches, wrestle with our public response to Christ. The uproar over so-called “conversion therapy” reveals the painful challenge of that pursuit.

Kanye West Speaks Out About Trafficking on Pornhub

“For me, Playboy was my gateway into full on pornography addiction. My dad had a Playboy left out at age five and it’s affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life…. From age five till now, having to kick the habit and it just presents itself in the open like it’s okay and I stand up and say, ‘No, it’s not ok.’” 1

Sex, Porn, and Masturbation

If you’re reading this and you currently struggle with porn, masturbation, or any other sexual sin, God has a plan for you. Jesus died so that you wouldn’t have to be a slave to addiction. He took that with him to the cross so you could be free.

What It Means To Lay Down Your Life For Your Spouse

Many marriages and relationships are suffering right now due to the prolonged effects of this pandemic. Patience is wearing thin and ironically, even though we are spending considerably more time together than ever before, our loved ones can still experience surmounting loneliness.

Relationship Advice for Singles

It’s easy to spend so much time trying to find the right one, that you lose yourself in the process. Take the time to get to know yourself, so that you can get to know what kind of person will be a good fit for your life, and what kind of person won’t be.

Sex After Kids

Let’s talk about sex…specifically sex AFTER kids. Because we all know there are two kinds. If you are one who’s libido continued to climb after kids, if you are one who desires it regularly and if you continually feel sexy…

The Science Behind Sex | Honest Talks Pt. 2

What causes you to get triggered? How do decisions you make pre-marriage impact your marriage? The pain or the pleasure during your first experience of an event creates a mental pathway that your brain later takes you down because it's the path of least resistance. This means EVEN if the situation isn't the same your brain/body can still react as if it is. This week's podcast feature's our directors, Cole and Caitlin Zick as they dive into the science behind sexuality and the scripture, and go after helping you become consciously aware of your subconscious "why", so you can know why you do what you do, feel what you feel, and how you respond the way you do. It’s now on all streaming platforms and YouTube!