Finding Freedom from Anxiety
One night, exhausted from a long, hard week of work as an automotive technician managing a repair shop in the Bay Area, I got in the bathtub to relax my tired body while my wife Kathy lay sick in her…
One night, exhausted from a long, hard week of work as an automotive technician managing a repair shop in the Bay Area, I got in the bathtub to relax my tired body while my wife Kathy lay sick in her…
We all need a bedtime. I’m married with four kids and I have a bedtime. It’s ten o’clock every night. Why? I know myself, and I know what I need. When I make sure to take care of myself and…
I guess it’s no secret now that my life held a sexual past. Google my name and it’s out, mainly because I chose to lift the lid off shame from my past. I confess, the main reasons why I…
Ten years ago, I walked down the aisle in my white wedding dress toward the man who is now my husband, Ben. I stood across from him looking into his eyes and made a vow to honor him as my…
Countless people are imprisoned by life-controlling sin and mind-numbing fear. Here are nine strategies on how to escape the grasp of the enemy and win the battle against hopelessness. If you are held hostage by the fear of failure,…
Question Are chick flicks and romantic comedies a pseudo-source for meeting emotional needs for a woman, in the same way that pornography is a pseudo-source for meeting the need for intimacy for a man? And do romantic comedies create…
When I recall my previous relationships, I cringe because I was so immature in the way I communicated and processed my feelings. I would project my feelings and issues onto the guy I was dating, leaving me with little-to-no responsibility…
What is an addiction? An addiction is a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance. Compulsive describes a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, especially one that is irrational or contrary to one’s will. Addictions are…
When people counsel women (or men for that matter) to stay in dangerous situations in the name of “submission” they need to have their heads checked. A wife was never called to be a zookeeper, a lion tamer, or…
In the book Song of Songs, the woman says to her lover, “Your name is like purified oil.” In the Hebrew language, the word for name is best translated to be etched. In this day, a name was much more than what people would call you. A name was…