Should We Get Married?
Should We Get Married? - ft/ Danny and Sheri Silk & Cole Zick by Moral Revolution.
Should We Get Married? - ft/ Danny and Sheri Silk & Cole Zick by Moral Revolution.
Talking about sexuality costs more than most of us want to admit. What do you do and how do you begin to navigate these situations when God calls you to step up and begin to lead in this area? What if you don't feel ready. We sat down with PJ Bedwell of Youth For Christ to have an honest conversation about this process and some key tools he's picked up along the way to navigate these bigger more sensitive topics.
Each generation is inundated with more and more messages about who they are, sex, and relationships. So, we’re slowing down, taking a look back at our own experience, and sharing with Gen Z what we wish we knew earlier in our lives.
Why does the "most wonderful time of the year" often come with some of the greatest fights, misunderstandings, or triggering events? Family. :) It's the people who whether or not we like it, we're often like...but so different. We sat down with Tiffany Williams, a relationship coach to pick her brain on how we can navigate all of those family dynamics, especially at the Holidays.
We're so excited to announce, the new directors of Moral Revolution - Daniel & Elles Maddry! In the next step of our journey, please welcome Daniel & Elles Maddry as the new Moral Revolution Directors. You may know the Maddry's as the founders of YouthPastor.Co and Cards Christians Like. They bring fresh experience helping us reach the next generation. This warm and personable couple is moved to join us from Austin, Texas with their dog, Indie. In case you haven't watched all of this yet, it's probably our funniest podcast ever. We're already in love. So leave a comment below helping us welcome them!
Marriage is no walk in the park. It is a road full of really hard choices, ridiculous selflessness, and constant service. But it is a journey full of blessing, healing, and hope. It is a hazy glimpse of God’s incredible love found in the eyes of another human being.
Being a gentleman feels like it’s a fading art in our culture, and our society feels that. I believe when strong gentlemen show up to use their strengths to benefit those around them, it will create stability and space for all to thrive. While we can’t conquer all of these things in one post, here are twelve ways to become more of a gentleman.
I didn’t want to take it a step further because life didn’t feel “just right” but “just right” wasn’t what was desired, it was the real raw parts of me that was desired. I’d argue that this is how love is supposed to be. A great unraveling of all the misconceptions and false perceptions you thought you’d have to live up to in order to be desired.
Dating apps are proving to be harder to navigate than even a lot of relationships are. There’s a culture to them, a science to them, and in a world where we have so much access at our fingertips to begin with dating apps, especially having multiple apps set up all at once, can be overwhelming, confusing, and even really irritating when we can’t seem to get it right.
Whether I could see it or not, and even when I didn’t believe it, God’s plan for my life was unfolding one day at a time. No matter where you’re at in life, when you run after God, you will ALWAYS be running in the right direction.
Sin kills us! Resisting it yourself, and encouraging others to do the same, is a good idea and I would even say is a GOD idea! However, in a world that is driven by political correctness, it can be tempting to partner with this spirit and join in its polarizing effects by treating those in sin as if their behavior is “totally okay.” Or, on the other side of the coin, you may find yourself trying to create a culture of righteousness and in doing so shame the people that you love.
If someone doesn’t like you, it’s okay. It’s not who you are, it’s just one guy. It doesn’t mean that no one will ever like you, or that you're unlovable, or not enough. Those are all lies from the enemy. Even if you’ve lost a few games or a few guys, that doesn’t mean you’re unlovable either. It just means you haven’t found the right one yet.