Posts tagged counseling
An Open Letter to The Depressed Christian

As a licensed counselor, it breaks my heart to hear the myths and lies that Christians believe about depression and mental illness in general, and the shame that can be felt surrounding this topic. I’m so sorry if you’ve experienced it. Sadly (and especially if you run in Christian circles) there’s a good chance you have.

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Premarital Counseling: The 4 R’s to Remember

Choosing counseling takes humility as it exercises the belief that there is always room for growth and improvement. It’s showing yourself and your significant other that you’re willing to grow as an individual while also growing together- this kind of mindset helps build a steadier foundation of trust for your future marriage. The number of sessions you choose to invest in prior to the wedding date are up to you and your counselor, but we recommend anywhere from 5-10 and definitely incorporate counseling into your normal married life routine!

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