4 Ways Not to Go on a First Date
So you finally got the date. Maybe a miracle happened and a man was given the sight and courage to not only see you, but ask you out. Maybe after your twelve-year sentence to the friend zone, you found a…
So you finally got the date. Maybe a miracle happened and a man was given the sight and courage to not only see you, but ask you out. Maybe after your twelve-year sentence to the friend zone, you found a…
You probably remember the first time you learned about sex. Maybe it was a series of strange metaphors meddled with a list of scientific facts from your parents. Maybe an older sibling or kid on the playground told you all…
Cole Zick and special guest, Curtis Zackery, teaching pastor at Church of the City in Franklin Tennessee, dialogue honestly about marriage’s ups and downs. Curtis shares great wisdom on how to strengthen your marriage in any season.
I was staring at the screen my eyes fixated, glued, to what I was seeing. What was happening? Why weren’t people wearing any clothes? I didn’t understand. Why were people touching each other like that and why on earth did…
If you read my last post, you’ll know I’m pretty passionate about relationships and particularly about seeing our Christian dating culture change from “high stakes” to a healthy pursuit of connection. Marriage is high stakes. Engagement is high stakes. A coffee…
In my last post, I challenged the guys to lead the way in crushing our high stakes dating culture, and this week I have some thoughts for the girls. Ladies, this is for you. Can you go from “high stakes” to “why…
During my experience as a pastor, I’ve had the privilege of spending time with a lot of people in really healthy marriages. I’ve realized that no matter how they met, what they’ve walked through, the one thing that makes a…
We collected questions from our previous blog posts in this series: Forgiving Your Partner’s Past: The Perspective and Forgiving Your Partner’s Past: The Tools and answered them below: Q: A pastor and marriage counselor told me that when the woman is…
This one is for all our singles who are hoping this singleness thing is not forever... Two members of the Moral Revolution team, Abram and Andrea, share their experience of being single in Christian culture, talk about the heart of purity beyond finding a spouse, and give some practical things they've learned along the way for walking out purity and pursuing health and wholeness.
Question #1: How can I best handle “getting to know you” stage with a guy if he’s a great person, but more into me than I am into him? I want to give him a chance, but I still want…