10 Reasons Why Porn is Trash and You Deserve Better

Whether you’ve never watched porn or you actively struggle with it, it makes no difference—you deserve a happy life, free from porn’s toxic influence.
Whether you’ve never watched porn or you actively struggle with it, it makes no difference—you deserve a happy life, free from porn’s toxic influence.
In the fun of daydreaming of marriage, there is what can also feel like the unknown mystery box of marriage that’s about to burst as you begin to question “How do you practically build a life together? Or what kind of person do I want to marry?” The truth on the other side of the glorified moments is the hard work that makes it all worthwhile. So, here are 5 tips we wish someone had told us before getting married.
Dating apps are proving to be harder to navigate than even a lot of relationships are. There’s a culture to them, a science to them, and in a world where we have so much access at our fingertips to begin with dating apps, especially having multiple apps set up all at once, can be overwhelming, confusing, and even really irritating when we can’t seem to get it right.
Discover why young children should avoid social media and how parents can take a stand.
When it comes to broken relationships, it’s important to remember that there are two battles taking place. Not only are we fighting the battle of human brokenness from within our marriage, but there is an enemy from without- working his hardest to tear down this safe place that God has built up.
It’s not always easy being single: third wheeling it at the movies, persevering through some awkward dates, and scrambling for a good answer when well-meaning friends and family members ask if you’ve met anyone “special” yet. Although it has its fair share of uncomfortable situations and weekend nights sitting on the couch in pajamas, being single does not have to be the time in your life you barely get through.
Relationships start with excitement, with joy and with anticipation. We feel the opportunity for love, for covering, and for connection. But often after excitement comes an opportunity for disappointment, and it's here in this place that if we can lean in and not run away or become accusatory we can truly grow.
Whether I could see it or not, and even when I didn’t believe it, God’s plan for my life was unfolding one day at a time. No matter where you’re at in life, when you run after God, you will ALWAYS be running in the right direction.
LGBT-identifying people today are caught in a perfect storm. Though homosexual behavior is ancient, it has never before been normalized. Why now? I wish to propose that it has everything to do with the tech revolution.
God’s goal isn’t to judge everyone, it’s to restore them to their fullness of original design. He didn’t just want you in His kingdom, He wants you reigning, unhindered, and living full. He is championing you.