Riches to Rags, Rags to Riches
I went to high school in the early ’70s in the midst of the so-called Sexual Revolution. The motto of our times was, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”1 Of course, this…
I went to high school in the early ’70s in the midst of the so-called Sexual Revolution. The motto of our times was, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”1 Of course, this…
My life is full. Very full. This isn’t a bad thing – my life is full of the things I love. I am pastoring, speaking, writing, making podcasts, and doing life with my family. Sometimes this can be bad, though. My attention span…
As discussed in previous blogs (Silencing Shame and Disconnecting Shame), shame is feeling unworthy. Guilt says, “I did a bad thing,” while shame says, “I am bad.” Shame has many faces, conveying varying messages of ill being, coaxing its…
Sadly, divorce is ravaging our families and our society. Among the top reasons for divorce are poor communication, arguing, infidelity, and stagnation: Disconnection – Shame. Divorce is a reality in our culture because shame is a reality of our culture.…
Have you ever heard that little voice in your head say…? “You don’t fit in” “Nobody likes you” “You’re stupid” “You’re the only one who has made this mistake” “How could God love you? I mean He really knows…
Somewhere between the fall of Eve and autumnal fall of 2015, we’ve attached the same feelings we have towards Leprosy to the word ‘singleness’. I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know why we still do it, but rattling around the subconscious in much of the modern…
God creates a man and a woman in His own image, places them together in a wild garden, and blesses them to enjoy forever the goodness of His creation. Adam sings and Eve dances into his arms. Within the…
In case you missed part 1 and part 2 of this series, let’s do a quick recap: At Moral Revolution we’ve come to find that there are three main environments in which we learn about sex. We call them…
In the first part of this series, we discovered that sex may not be what we think it is. Or at least, we might not be thinking about it in a healthy way. So many of us are looking…
Many of us clicked on this article in search of truth on the topic of sex. Some of us are excited, others desperate, some just plain curious. We’re ready to absorb facts, find freedom, and walk away, forever changed……